Wednesday, February 18, 2009


A chain of hatable events are happening in school these days which annoy me as no action is taken to solve the issues. Top of the list is the unreasonable change of timetable, which generates anger and confusion among all students, Im sure. It is only the middle of February and yet the timetable has been altered several times ( more than 3 times, I think ) and the teachers seemed to be okay with it. Why is this happening? Does this mean that the teachers are enjoying themselves changing the timetable whenever they like while us students are forced to obey the 'sickening' rules for months to come? Another issue is that some teachers in class are really terrible in their teachings, not to mention names here. To me, they don't suit our requirements and only if the school is notified of the ones mentioned that I can study well in the particular subject. It is true, not a joke or laughing matter. Besides, school is getting more and more boring from day to day and it makes me feel de-energised each time a teacher who lacks teaching skills comes into class and starts her usual ineffective lesson. Seconds, minutes, and hours pass and our precious time is lost thanks to those teachers who are paid to waste our time. Sorry to be uttering harsh languages but it really pissed me off!! But anyway, Im not entirely bothered by the issues but somehow they have to be rectified some time for our sake. Chao.