Sunday, March 15, 2009

Alas.. The long-awaited holiday is back

Hey people it has been a long long while since the last time I blogged. Exams are FINALLY over and I'm thankful as it had been a torturing and tormenting hell of a time. Of all the papers, I think SEJARAH was the toughest and agitated me the most. U know, I do really think that our Education Ministry has to revamp its policies and change the format for our Sejarah paper coz it is plain RUBBISH to write 3 essays which are freakingly hard and made to give us a tumultous time. Reducing it to one essay would be understandable and a wise action to instil the sort of patriotism in us teenagers which I believe is the government's main goal in introducing this originally-meaningful-but-made-dull subject.

Add Maths is also another tough paper to sit for. Our add maths teacher really kicked our ass by setting the composite index question which carries a WHOOPING 10 marks. Oh my GOD!!! I would be more than joyful to get a B this time for the WICKED question has dented my hopes of obtaining an A for the 1st time in 4 attempts. I'm sure most of my friends are also HAMMERED by this particular question but hey its not the end of the world. People like Chee Khuin and Wen Hao should have no problem at all as they are simply FANTASTIC in Add maths, or I shall say EVERYTHING. If only I could receive a cell or two from these guys I would be the next GENIUS in the making. LOLS

But anyway let's forget about the come and gone exam and keep our focus on the HOLIIIIIDAY..

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